Pubblicazioni ODONTOIATRIA

Immediately loaded dental implants bioactivated with plateletrich plasma (PRP) placed in maxillary and mandibular region
PreventionofHemorrhagic ComplicationsAfterDentalExtractions IntoOpenHeartSurgeryPatientsUnder AnticoagulantTherapy:TheUseof Leukocyte-andPlatelet-RichFibrin
Current Knowledge and Perspectives for the Use of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Part 2: Bone Graft, Implant...
The Relevance of Choukroun's Platelet Rich Fibrin and Metronidazole During Complex Maxillary Rehabilitations Using Bone Allograft. Part I: A New Grafting Protocol
Influence of Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) in the Healing of Simple Postextraction Sockets: A Split-Mouth Study
Platelet Rich Fibrin (P.R.F.) in Reconstructive Surgery of Atrophied Maxillary Bones: Clinical and Histological Evaluations
Guidelines for the publication of articles related to platelet concentrates (Platelet-Rich Plasma - PRP, or Platelet-Rich Fibrin - PRF): the international classification of the POSEIDO
Current Knowledge and Perspectives for the Use of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Part 1: Periodontal and Dentoalveolar Surgery
Sinus Graft with Biogran, Autogenous Bone, and PRP: A Report of Three Cases with Histology and Micro-CT
Trial with Platelet-Rich Fibrin and Bio-Oss used as grafting materials in the treatment of the severe maxillar bone atrophy: clinical and radiological evaluations
New Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine Strategies in Periodontology, Oral Surgery, Esthetic and Implant Dentistry
Use of AutologousPlatelet-RichPlasma (PRP) in Periodontal Defect Treatment After Extraction of Impacted Mandibular Third Molars
Platelet-Rich Plasma and Resorbable Membrane for Prevention of Periodontal Defects After Deeply Impacted Lower Third Molar Extraction
Regenerative surgery performed with Platelet-Rich Plasma used in sinus lift elevation before dental implant surgery: an useful aid in healing and regeneration of bone tissue
PreventionofPostoperativeBleedingin AnticoagulatedPatientsUndergoingOral Surgery:UseofPlatelet-RichPlasmaGel
Shedding light in the controversial terminology for platelet-rich products: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), platelet-leukocyte gel (PLG), preparation rich in growth factors (PRGF), classification and commercialism